ある日, 古い Emacsパッケージを使おうとしたとき全然動かなくて, 動くための PRを送ったんですが, そのとき他のも動くのかなと古いやつを片っ端からダウンロードし, 試してみたらいろいろ問題が見つかり PRしまくっていました. それで妙に草が生えてしまっ…
Dynamic module機能は 2015年 12月 12日現在開発中の機能です(だいぶ落ち着いてはきていますが). なので以下の内容は最新版では正しくない可能性があります. 動かない場合等はソースコード及び modules以下に含まれるテストコードを確認してみてください. リ…
Sorry I removed old entry about this thing by mistake. This entry is updated version of it. Add following configuration in your init.el. Then exec-path-from-shell does not warn about environment variables. (custom-set-variables '(exec-path…
I ported all color-theme themes(over 100 themes) to Emacs theme framework 2 years ago. Now those themes are available on MELPA. You can download themes with package.el. Package name is color-theme-modern. Repository All sreenshots are here…
https://github.com/defunkt/coffee-mode/pull/323 I have implemented indentation like python-mode in coffee-mode. You can enable this feature by setting coffee-indent-like-python-mode to non-nil. (custom-set-variables '(coffee-indent-like-py…
昔 helmは migemo対応していたのですが(anything時代から), それが除去され, migemo機能を有効にする helm-migemoというパッケージが作成されさました. しかし最近 helmが再度 migemo対応しました. これにより helmだけで migemo対応の sourceが書けるように…
I have implemented delete line feature in helm-ag edit mode. We can put delete line mark by C-c C-d, and remove delete mark by C-c C-u by default. Marking some lines and commit(C-c C-c by default), then these lines are deleted. Please repo…
hcl-mode 0.01 is out. hcl-mode provides major mode of HCL(Hashicorp Configuration Language). Currently hcl-mode provide indentation, highlighting, some cursor moving commands. If you have any issues or suggestions, please report me via git…
codic.el から Codic Web APIを使えるようにしました. リポジトリ https://github.com/syohex/emacs-codic/ 使い方 M-x codic-translateで使えます. 使用するには APIトークンの設定が必要になります. codic.jpから APIトークンを取得し, codic-api-tokenに…
We can input command line options at helm-do-ag as following Gif animation. If you want to use pattern which starts with -, please use -- separator.
http://hitode909.hatenablog.com/entry/2015/09/13/205925 I wrote @hitode909's 集中線GIFメーカー(Awesome Web application) in Golang. This is command line application and you can use this as below. Repository https://github.com/syohex/speedli…
Run named daemon Emacs --daemon command line option can accept name argument(like --daemon=server1). % emacs --daemon=vim -Q % emacs --daemon=atom -Q Sending S-expression via emacsclient And we can specify server by -s(--socket-name) optio…
I have implemented better space handling in helm-ag. If you want to input pattern which contains space, you can use escaped space like pattern1\ pattern2. Such pattern matches lines which have pattern1 pattern2. (While pattern1 pattern2 ma…
We can use emoji fonts other than MacOSX platform. (However MacOSX fonts is good looking :-() Installing Symbola font http://zhm.github.io/symbola/ Download Symbola.ttf and put it into fonts directory such as ~/.fonts. % cd ~/.fonts % curl…
Repository https://github.com/syohex/emacs-ac-racer How to use Install rust(https://www.rust-lang.org/install.html) Install racer(https://github.com/phildawes/racer) (defun my/racer-mode-hook () (ac-racer-setup)) (add-hook 'racer-mode-hook…
https://metacpan.org/release/SYOHEX/Text-Xslate-3.3.6 I released Text::Xslate 3.3.6. This version fixed include issue. Include Issue Perl VM stack pointer goes wrong by each include call. For example. #!perl use strict; use warnings; use T…
ac-emoji registered MELPA ac-emoji registered MELPA. You can download ac-emoji by package.el now.
I uploaded ac-emoji to github. This package provides auto-complete source of Emoji. Image Repository https://github.com/syohex/emacs-ac-emoji I test only MacOSX. Sample configuration I think this package is useful for writing Markdown or g…
We should open file with write intent for using flock(fh, LOCK_EX) for portability. Because flock(fh, LOCK_EX) is failed without write intent on some platforms(such as Solaris) and platforms which does not provide flock. (In this case Perl…
スペルチェックはもっぱら flyspell-mode, flyspell-bufferなので, Macでもそれを使うための設定. ispellのインストール % brew install ispell 昔は ~/.aspell.confの設定が必須だったような気がするのだが, なくても動作した. デフォルトの言語を設定を英…
I recommend you to use company-mode for auto completion of Elixir programming. I created ac-alchemist which is auto-complete source of alchemist. Because alchemist provides only company-mode completion. alchemist often changes its API freq…
neotree can work with vc-mode. So it works like Atom.io. However its feature is disabled as default. Please add following configuration to your init.el for enabling it. You also enable vc-mode. (custom-set-variables '(neo-vc-integration '(…
https://metacpan.org/release/SYOHEX/Mouse-v2.4.4 Mouse with threads did not work on Perl 5.22.0 or higher version. This makes Text::Xslate test failure for a long time. This version fixed the issue and works with threads. Please upgrade fo…
evil-textobj-line is Emacs port of @kana1's vim-textobj-line. evil-text-obj-line provides functions which select portion of current line. Repository https://github.com/syohex/evil-textobj-line Demo a line("val") a-line selects whole curren…
atomを使ってみようと, Ubuntu 15.04に公式 debパッケージを使って, インストールして起動しようとしてみたが以下のエラーが出て起動しない. line 98: 8076 Aborted (core dumped) nohup "$ATOM_PATH" --executed-from="$(pwd)" --pid=$$ "$@" > "$ATOM_HOME…
helm-find-files is useful command for opening files in current directory. However I have some complaints for it. - I want to see only files, not directories(., .. etc). - I don't want to open binary files - I use only some actions(open fil…
Download Binutils Download Binutils % curl -LO http://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/GNU/binutils/binutils-2.25.tar.bz2 Configuration Change --prefix as you like. % tar xf binutils-2.25.tar.bz2 % cd binutils-2.25 % mkdir build % cd build % ../configu…
I released quickrun 2.2.4 This version fixes quickrun-shell command. It was broken long time ago. Sorry I didn't realize it because I didn't use it. quickrun-shell executes buffer with eshell, it supports interactive program which reads so…
最近追加された機能. header-lineにもパターンを表示する. 視線を動かす量は減りそうなので, 大きな画面を使っている人にはよいかもしれない (現状 上にも下にも出るので若干変ですが...) イメージ