
Indent like python-mode in coffee-mode I have implemented indentation like python-mode in coffee-mode. You can enable this feature by setting coffee-indent-like-python-mode to non-nil. (custom-set-variables '(coffee-indent-like-py…

新しいインデントコマンド 'else'とか, 'catch'とかインデントすべき箇所を決めることが 可能だなということで対応してみました. マージはまだです. 現在のもの 新バージョン Tabを押す回数が減りよいのではな…

coffee-mode 0.5.2 released

coffee-mode 0.5.2 is out. I fixed newline-and-indent issues. Repository Issues if true |Cursor is '|' and executes coffee-newline-and-indent(C-m), then if true |Indentation is one level deeper than ex…

coffee-compile-buffer時に対応する JavaScript位置にポイントを移動する

coffee-mode-bufferで CoffeeScriptを JavaScriptにコンパイル した際に, CoffeeScriptのカーソル位置に対応する JavaScriptの ポイントにジャンプできるようになりました。 sourcemapをインストールする sourcem…

coffee-mode supports using tabs instead of spaces

coffee-mode users can use only spaces. Now coffee-mode supports using tabs. Repository Setting Set coffee-indent-tabs-mode to non-nil if you want to use tabs instead of spaces (custom-set-variables '(…

Fix source map issue

I fixed source map issue of coffee-mode. Wrong source map files is generated when compile commands (such as coffee-compile-file) are executed, if you specified source map option(-m) to 'coffee-args-compile'.…

Fix some highlighting issues of coffee-mode

I fixed some highlighting issues of coffee-mode. Update You can update coffee-mode from MELPA Repository Fix invalid keyword highlighting coffee-mode highlighted property name whose name equals to key…

coffee-mode supports Emacs "thing 'defun"

I committed that coffee-mode support Emacs "thing 'defun". Repository Install/Update You can install/update from MELPA with package.el Support Emacs "thing 'defun" We can use thing function, such as (…

Improve block comment highlighting

I fixed invalid block comment highlighting of coffee-mode. Repository Update You can update coffee-mode from MELPA Image Before After Conclusion If you have any problems or suggestions, please report …