2023 パズル in F#
type Opcode = | Add | Sub | Mul | Div type Operand = | Opcode of Opcode | Number of int let calculateRpnExpression (exp: Operand list) : Option<int> = let rec calculateRpnExpression' exp stack = match exp with | [] -> Some(List.head stack) | Number (n) :: t -> calculateRpnExpression' t (n :: stack) | Opcode (op) :: t -> match stack with | n2 :: n1 :: rest -> match op with | Add -> calculateRpnExpression' t ((n1 + n2) :: rest) | Sub -> calculateRpnExpression' t ((n1 - n2) :: rest) | Mul -> calculateRpnExpression' t ((n1 * n2) :: rest) | Div -> if n2 = 0 then None else calculateRpnExpression' t ((n1 / n2) :: rest) | _ -> printfn $"stack=${stack} exp=${exp}" failwith "never reach here" calculateRpnExpression' exp [] let normalizeRpnExpression (exp: Operand list) : string = let rec normalizeRpnExpression' exp stack = match exp with | [] -> List.head stack | Number (n) :: t -> normalizeRpnExpression' t ((string n) :: stack) | Opcode (op) :: t -> match stack with | v2 :: v1 :: rest -> match op with | Add -> normalizeRpnExpression' t ((sprintf "(%s+%s)" v1 v2) :: rest) | Sub -> normalizeRpnExpression' t ((sprintf "(%s-%s)" v1 v2) :: rest) | Mul -> normalizeRpnExpression' t ((sprintf "(%s*%s)" v1 v2) :: rest) | Div -> normalizeRpnExpression' t ((sprintf "(%s/%s)" v1 v2) :: rest) | _ -> failwith "never reach here" normalizeRpnExpression' exp [] let createRpnExpression (nums: int list) (target: int) = let len = nums |> List.length let limit = len * 2 - 1 let rec createRpnExpression' nums prevNum numCount opCount exp acc = if numCount + opCount >= limit then let exp' = List.rev exp match calculateRpnExpression exp' with | None -> acc | Some (v) -> if v = target then printfn "%A" (normalizeRpnExpression exp') exp' :: acc else acc else let acc' = if numCount - opCount >= 2 then let ops = if prevNum = 8 then [ Div ] else [ Add; Sub; Mul; Div ] ops |> List.fold (fun acc' op -> createRpnExpression' nums -1 numCount (opCount + 1) (Opcode(op) :: exp) acc') acc else acc if prevNum <> 8 && numCount < len then let n = List.head nums createRpnExpression' (List.tail nums) n (numCount + 1) opCount (Number(n) :: exp) acc' else acc' createRpnExpression' nums -1 0 0 [] [] let quiz2023 (nums: int list) (target: int) : string list = let rpnExpressions = createRpnExpression nums target rpnExpressions |> List.map normalizeRpnExpression