Text::Xslate 3.3.6 released


I released Text::Xslate 3.3.6. This version fixed include issue.

Include Issue

Perl VM stack pointer goes wrong by each include call. For example.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::Xslate;

my $tx = Text::Xslate->new(
    path => {
        'body.tx' => ': block body | reverse -> { include text }',
        'text.tx' => 'foo',
    function => {
        reverse => sub { scalar reverse $_[0] },

print $tx->render('body.tx');

reverse function takes foo as first argument but it is undefined value.

% perl test.pl
Text::Xslate: Use of uninitialized value $_[0] in reverse at test.pl line 12.
 (<string>:1) at test.pl line 12.
    main::__ANON__(undef, foo) called at test.pl line 16
    eval {...} called at test.pl line 1

Why this behavior ? Because foo is 2nd argument. Following code works well.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::Xslate;

my $tx = Text::Xslate->new(
    path => {
        'body.tx' => ': block body | reverse -> { include text }',
        'text.tx' => 'foo',
    function => {
        reverse => sub { scalar reverse $_[1] },

print $tx->render('body.tx');

oof is printed. If include is called two times, foobar is 3rd argument. 1st and 2nd arguments are undef.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::Xslate;

my $tx = Text::Xslate->new(
    path => {
        'body.tx' => ': block body | reverse -> { include text; include text2 }',
        'text.tx' => 'foo',
        'text2.tx' => 'bar',
    function => {
        reverse => sub { scalar reverse $_[2] },

print $tx->render('body.tx');


I released Text::Xslate 3.3.6. Please report us via github issues if you have any problems.

auto-complete source for Emoji

I uploaded ac-emoji to github. This package provides auto-complete source of Emoji.





I test only MacOSX.

Sample configuration

I think this package is useful for writing Markdown or git commit message.

(add-hook 'markdown-mode-hook 'ac-emoji-setup)
(add-hook 'git-commit-mode-hook 'ac-emoji-setup)

MacOSX Users

Please add emoji font configuration to your init.el. This configuration is not necessary if you use emacs with no window mode(-nw).

 t 'symbol
 (font-spec :family "Apple Color Emoji") nil 'prepend)


I released ac-emoji which is auto-complete source of emoji. I plan to request this package to MELPA. If you have any suggestions or problems, please report me via github issue.

Open write mode for flock(fh, LOCK_EX) for portability

We should open file with write intent for using flock(fh, LOCK_EX) for portability. Because flock(fh, LOCK_EX) is failed without write intent on some platforms(such as Solaris) and platforms which does not provide flock. (In this case Perl emulates flock with other API).

On Linux or some BSD(include MacOSX), flock(fh, LOCK_EX) successes without write intent. However if you want to work your module on many platforms, you should open with write intent.

perldoc -f flock says

Note that the fcntl(2) emulation of flock(3) requires that FILEHANDLE be open with read intent to use LOCK_SH and requires that it be open with write intent to use LOCK_EX.

See also

Macで flyspell-modeを使うための設定

スペルチェックはもっぱら flyspell-mode, flyspell-bufferなので, Macでもそれを使うための設定.


% brew install ispell

昔は ~/.aspell.confの設定が必須だったような気がするのだが, なくても動作した. デフォルトの言語を設定を英語にしているということが関係しているのか, そもそも不要になったのかはよくわかっていない.


GUIだとデフォルトが波線ですごく見づらい. emacs -nwなら真っ直ぐな下線なのでよいのだが... 見やすければなんでもいいので以下のような設定にしてみた.

(set-face-attribute 'flyspell-duplicate nil
                    :foreground "white"
                    :background "orange" :box t :underline nil)

(set-face-attribute 'flyspell-incorrect nil
                    :foreground "white"
                    :background "red" :box t :underline nil)




ドキュメントを書くときは, flyspell-modeを有効にしているだけですが, まとめてチェックしたい場合は以下のように設定して開くファイルすべてに対してスペルチェックをかけるというようなことをしています.

(add-hook 'find-file-hook 'flyspell-mode)
(add-hook 'find-file-hook 'flyspell-buffer)

auto-complete for Elixir programming

I recommend you to use company-mode for auto completion of Elixir programming.

I created ac-alchemist which is auto-complete source of alchemist. Because alchemist provides only company-mode completion.

alchemist often changes its API frequently. So it may break ac-alchemist. Please report me if ac-alchemist does not work with latest alchemist via github issues.





See also

neotree with vc-mode

neotree can work with vc-mode. So it works like Atom.io. However its feature is disabled as default. Please add following configuration to your init.el for enabling it. You also enable vc-mode.

 '(neo-vc-integration '(face)))

Screenshot is here. Modified files are highlighted in magenta.


neotree supports showing vc information by face and char. We can also enable both of them as below.

 '(neo-vc-integration '(face char)))

This version screenshot is here. There are E(means edited) characters at Modified files.



Face names of neotree vc information are neo-vc-*-face(Ex neo-vc-edited-face). And characters of it is neo-vc-state-char-alist. You can custom as you like. Please read documentation or source code in more detail.


enjoy hacking neotree.